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Please Help by usr24261 13 years ago

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Hi! I am trying to make a friendship bracelet with my name on it but the problem is my name is Angeline so it would be very hard to make. Can somebody please make a pattern with the name Angeline on it.

RE: Please Help by fbmagic 13 years ago

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There are lots of alphabet fonts on this site. Just type in like fonts or something in the search box, pick one, and then make one. It is easy!:)

RE: Please Help by Carrie 13 years ago

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If you find a font you like, I can string together the letters to give you a pattern, without crowding the site with name patterns:)

RE: Please Help by usr24261 13 years ago

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Hey! Carrie that would be great. Honestly I really do not care about the font. So if you could string the letters together that would be awesome!!

RE: Please Help by Smoopyette 13 years ago

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If you print out an alpha pattern with the whole alphabet on it, that might make it easier also. I bought an organizer for string, taped patterns on the insind facing outwards( so you can see it when you close it), then just copied the letters for what i need! Very easy! I got my organizer at Micheals for about 2.00-3.00 dollars, then i bought the skiens to rap them on. I hope this helps!


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