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No bugs? What is this! Could it be...A SUGGESTION!? by Scout 13 years ago

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So I was going through the gallery, being all bored and looking to see if there are any interesting bracelet patterns, because I'm the type of person who likes to see what I'm going to make, and I got to a certain point and started to think, 'wouldn't it be easier/more fun if there was a random button in the gallery like there are for patterns?'
It's most definitely not a must, but would be greatly appreciated if you could work that out at some point :D And be very interesting. So yeah....Thanks! :D

RE: No bugs? What is this! Could it be...A SUGGESTION!? by lostflight2 13 years ago

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I agree, that's a great idea!

RE: No bugs? What is this! Could it be...A SUGGESTION!? by Stefan 13 years ago

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Random button for the gallery? I didn't think of that, but it's a great idea! It's in the to-do list :)

RE: No bugs? What is this! Could it be...A SUGGESTION!? by Scout 13 years ago

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Why thank you! :D It's greatly appreciated. And good luck with the whole to-do list thing >.< If it's anything like mine, it's quite long.

RE: No bugs? What is this! Could it be...A SUGGESTION!? by Stefan 13 years ago

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No problems. I prefer to keep my to-do list digital since it changes all the time... But most often its longer than my screen can view at the same time, and I got a big screen :-)

RE: No bugs? What is this! Could it be...A SUGGESTION!? by Scout 13 years ago

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I understand that. I always do that when I can. But good luck making a dent in it, I guess O.o;;


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