
was donated
chat room by therapycase 16 years ago

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a chat room should be opened on this site. that way if we have question we could ask someone instead of puting it on the forum and waiting for someone to answer. If stefen is worried about safety he could censor some words or phrases. Rspond with your agreement!

RE: chat room by Stefan 16 years ago

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Sorry to disappoint you but there aren't enough online users at the same time to make it work. The chat room would be very empty too often...

RE: chat room by therapycase 16 years ago

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well make one anyway! we dont care if its empty. id just leave the site on all the time and check back constantly to see whos there

RE: chat room by jessediamond 15 years ago

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I have to admit, i'm on this site fairly often

RE: chat room by usr998 15 years ago

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yea i think that it's a very good idea!

RE: chat room by Joy 14 years ago

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yeah a chat room would be great
i would stay on alot if ther was one!


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