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Making alpha bracelets straight and even by Cisub 13 years ago

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Ummmm, I'm not quite sure I can explain my problem very well, but here's a shot. I started making alpha patterens not long ago, and everytime I make one, the width of the bracelet gets much thinner as soon as I start using the second and third colors, I was wondering if this is maybe because I'm tying my knots too tightly for the non-backround color? I've seen a lot of alpha patterns wherer the width is even through out the bracelet, and it looks perfect, but I just can't get it to end up like that. Please help

RE: Making alpha bracelets straight and even by Rissa 13 years ago

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I haven't made many alpha bracelets yet, but I have the same problem. When I talked to others about it I just was told that I have to adjust the tightness of the knots.
In my case the bracelet is always thinner when I use only the background string, when I use the letter color it gets wider. So they told me that I shouldn't pull the knots made with the background string not as hard so that they get bigger and to pull the knots made with the letter color harder so that they get smaller.

That's all I can say, maybe someone else has another hint for you.

Btw., why did you post this in three different section? One would have been enough.

RE: Making alpha bracelets straight and even by Cisub 13 years ago

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Thanks so much, I'll try making my letting knots less tight :)

And I posted it in 3 hoping I could get many different answers from many different people, I guess it was too much, I'll just do one next time

RE: Making alpha bracelets straight and even by Carrie 13 years ago

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If you know how to do the substitution method, you can always try to use a certain colors as kind of anchor strings, and tie all of your knots as if they were background colors. It makes it much more even.


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