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Simplifying Patterns by Vycandrius 15 years ago

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Is there any way to simplify patterns? As in the knots used? A lot of patterns I see generally use the double hitches over the reverse. Any tips on simplifying a pattern with the lots of reverses?
Or, does it even make a difference visibly or during the actually process?
I'm new =)

RE: Simplifying Patterns by carriebea 15 years ago

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It's the same amount of time spent, you're just tying a knot the opposite way for the second knot instead of tying it the same way. I hope you know what I mean :p However, sometimes it will change the edges and how the bracelet feels at the end, if it sticks up in places or the ends aren't perfectly straight. However, I don't think there's a way to fix it unless you're incredibly good at making patterns. =(

RE: Simplifying Patterns by Vycandrius 15 years ago

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Oh ok, thanks!


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