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Designing a normal bracelet by BlargityBlar 13 years ago

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I designed a normal pattern the other day on graph paper, but I don't know how to make it into an actual pattern. I get really confused about how to get the string to go where I want it to go even with the new generators. This is my first try at doing this. Are there any tips about how to make the pattern? I never knew how much work was needed to design a pattern. Kudos to designers out there!

RE: Designing a normal bracelet by Rissa 13 years ago

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I can't say that I'm really experienced in developing own patterns.
I've only tried to figure out patterns from photos, and in that case it is already obvious that a pattern can be knotted.

I have some tips though that might help you figuring out if your pattern can be made.

Before you start make a copy or two of your design, you might do some errors and it might be harder to make a copy if you've already drawn in a lot of lines...

Depending on how many colors you use and how much of the pattern is background it can be hard or easy to figure your pattern out.

1. Start with one color that's visible. Draw in elements that are pretty obvious, like chevrons, diamonds and straight lines. Do this with all colors and all things that look obvious.

2. See if you can make a connection from the end of the first use of the first color to the start of the second use. For example if you've made a blue chevron, the next time you have to use blue is four rows below, try to make a direct connection. If you have to cross other colors it's fine (in that case one knot is already figured out), but it's not ok if you have to use the same line as another color. In that case cheating would be required.

3. If that happens try to see if there's another way to make the obvious ornaments, besides the obvious. Sometimes it looks as if you have to make an FK using strings of the same color, but instead you have to make a FBK one knot earlier so that one of the strings is now moving to the opposite direction.

4. Check if two colors are crossing where they are allowed to cross.
If one knot should be white, but a red and a blue string are already crossing there, it cannot work. In that case see if you can move one of the strings parallel to the other by trying BFK and FBK at the right position (a lot of trial and error might be involved)

4. In the end try to cover the background. See if you can add known ornaments like side triangles and chevrons again and check if there are exactly two lines in each box, both going into opposite directions.

I really hope this helps, my English isn't the best, and i'm also not the most experienced person when it comes to creating new patterns.
Like I said, there might be a lot of trial and error involved before you get a result you like.
If your pattern is impossible to knot don't be too discouraged, this happens to everyone.

PS: I hate spammers...


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