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RE: New P.M. bug by Stefan 13 years ago

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Ah, I see :). Do you have any nice results?
I have finally realized what is taking so long time to load in my scripts. It must be the total number of SQL queries. I didn't realize that the queries was such a load when I made the site at first, but apparently it is so. Now I'm looking at my old code and thinking that I must have been a really lazy programmer :P. It's quite easy to fix though, should only take some weeks in my pace.

RE: New P.M. bug by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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My results were not ideal.. lol
Chuck believes that what you said could definitely help.

Here were some of the results I got when I remembered to count.. I am sure self counting isn't all that accurate but... it's still not good..

Took 20 seconds once to load the patterns page.
got the pattern page loading for at least 55 seconds before it timed out completely.
average 4-6 seconds for every other page I remembered to time
8 second average to load a forum thread
40 to post a new forum reply

from Chuck: main.js is not compressed, it should be.
fb2_css.css can be compressed.

If the thumbnails are being generated for the front page with your new thumbnail module, chuck believes they are not small enough. The image he checked is 400x142, 26.6kb and that should be lower. He was able to drop that specific image size and optimize it to 140x50, 3.57kb. Thats 23kb saved everytime that image loads, if 200 people were to load that 1 image, you can save 4mbs with the optimization that chuck just did. If those users reload the page 20 times, thats 92mbs that are being used up, that shouldn't be..
multiply that by ALL the images that are displayed there (just on the front page).. that is a LOT of bandwidth being wasted.

Chuck truly believes the biggest issue here is the images.. because the site loads so many of them, he says you should make them as small in file size as possible.

That is all he can think of for now :P

RE: New P.M. bug by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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The thumbnail module doesn't seem to be working for all thumbnails in the news feed. It seems most of them at the moment, are not being re-sized correctly, but he was able to find 1, from random choosing, that was a teeny tiny thumbnail like it should be. The rest when you right click, and chose to view image in a new tab, all showed at their original, not thumbnail like size.. I hope that makes some sense... lol

RE: New P.M. bug by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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One more thing because Chuck is obsessed at the moment, lmao...

Implementing more ajax would be ideal as well. A few places that it would work nicely would be, uploading of photos. You can reduce several page loads, if you use the upload photo button, with ajax, on each patterns page. Instead of now, you click the link on the pattern page, go to another page, choose the file, hit upload, and get another page load.
How about in the "More Newsfeed Entries" and the comments pages, after you click "show all X comments" you go to a page that might have 15 pages of comments, like the multicolor alpha tutorial, instead of having to load each one of those pages, you could use ajax to limit that as well. :)

RE: New P.M. bug by foshisle 13 years ago

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Gone for me!

RE: New P.M. bug by Stefan 13 years ago

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Gosh, I can't believe those numbers! Every page takes a maximum of 5 seconds here. Maybe it's because the server is placed in denmark? 60% of my users live in USA so maybe I should switch to a host there. Do you know any good web host over there?

Thanks to Chuck for all the advices and thanks to you also, Lovemenot. I gotta run to a new years party now but I guess we'll speak more next year :-)

Happy new year to you two, and to all other readers here!

RE: New P.M. bug by Lovemenot 13 years ago

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Haha. Chuck definitely says you should go with
It is what he uses. It has unlimited bandwidth usage, for 5.95 US a month. He says he has never had a problem, anything that he wants set up, like sub-domains, or sql databases, it is all instance, where a lot of other places you have to wait, etc.

Have an amazing time at your party! Chuck and I will be celebrating our 3 year dating anniversary rather than bringing in the new year :P

RE: New P.M. bug by craftaddict 13 years ago

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It can take quite awhile for pages to load for me, too. I was reading the newfeed and the first page took 22 seconds, the next timed out at 55, then after that, it was 28, 16, 3, 2, 7, 12.5, 2.5, 4. Then when I clicked to get to this thread, it took 11 seconds. Some days, I get the timed out message A LOT! Of course all the coding and etc makes no sense to me :)


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