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string ? by Gimpy1340 15 years ago

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ok so i'm using embroidery floss to make my bracelets and ever time I use it it unwinds. Does anyone have a way to keep the floss from unwinding. Right now all I do is twist it back together but that still does not work. thank you.

RE: string ? by Cathelijn 15 years ago

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Maybe you can make a knot at the end of the thread. I don't know if it works.

RE: string ? by intel 15 years ago

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try not to fool around with the string that much, (twisting it, undoing it) if you got the embroidery floss from the dollar store it tends to unwind. But overall just dont twist it the opposite way it twists and it wond unwind:) hope this helps!

RE: string ? by Gimpy1340 15 years ago

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The string I use i bought from hobby lobby and i do not twist it unless it starts untwisting. I think the problem is that I have nails and when I try to separate one string from the group of strings I grab 1/2 of another string with my nails.

RE: string ? by wojo 15 years ago

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do u mean the string comes apart from the whole strand if it is try and be more careful

RE: string ? by wojo 15 years ago

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i do that a lot and to some times fix it you can keep
sliding ur fingers across the strand and it may come together easier and stay together better hope this help

RE: string ? by ambr71 15 years ago

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just keep one piece of string together

RE: string ? by emm97 15 years ago

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DMC Floss is the best brand to use. I get mine at Joann or Michaels

RE: string ? by Joy 15 years ago

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i agree. i like dmc floss the best

RE: string ? by LedChelsea 15 years ago

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I've been using stuff called Aunt Lydia's Classic Crochet thread, and that's seemed to work out fine for me. Do you guys think that floss is definitly the way to go, or do you use other things as well?


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