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A problem with the Bracelet Buckle... by Tal 15 years ago

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What do I do if the threads sequencing isn't symmetrical?How do I make the Buckle?

RE: A problem with the Bracelet Buckle... by SkaterGirl2108 15 years ago

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u cant

RE: A problem with the Bracelet Buckle... by wojo 15 years ago

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i answered this somewhere else and maybe you can look for it it is still a buckle but it is different let me know if you want me too look it would be no problem

RE: A problem with the Bracelet Buckle... by Tal 15 years ago

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yes please help me find that

RE: A problem with the Bracelet Buckle... by wojo 15 years ago

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here is the link to the exact page it is how i do my buckles even if the strings are not symetrical

RE: A problem with the Bracelet Buckle... by Tal 15 years ago

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you said only if the strings are even per color.I asked for a bracelet buckle that's not symmetrical.Anyway i didn't understand much of what you said there..sorry.And thanks anyway..

RE: A problem with the Bracelet Buckle... by wojo 15 years ago

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sorry i didnt do the bracelet buckle but thats how i do mine anyway its ok if you dont understand im not that good at explaining sorry


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