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add rows?? by jamie 15 years ago

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is there anyway to when making a new pattern to add rows onto the bottom to make the design longer?

RE: add rows?? by wojo 15 years ago

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i think you might be able to on your own
but i would make sure you have the strings in the order they should be to start the next part hope this helps

RE: add rows?? by jamie 15 years ago

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i tried adding more myself. but it didnt work. i dont know if im doing anything wrong

RE: add rows?? by wojo 15 years ago

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did you make sure that the strings ended up the way they should to start the braclet or next row
that might make a difference hope this helps

RE: add rows?? by wojo 15 years ago

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you could try taking the first string and first making a row of forward knots then a row of backwards ones
just so it would end up just like you did before you kept making knots to add on

RE: add rows?? by judyes 14 years ago

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If you are using the generator 2.0 you can go to the original and add rows at the top and bottom of what you originally created.


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