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Help :[ by cassasaur 15 years ago

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So I'm extremely new to making bracelets.. As in I started maybe 3 days ago and have made a whole 2 bracelets.

Well, both of my bracelets are very holey which makes them look bad :/ I don't know how to fix it..Practice I'm sure but does anyone have any advice for the beginner?

RE: Help :[ by SkierGirl 15 years ago

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practice and try and tighten you knots it helps.I noticed that when i first started

RE: Help :[ by cassasaur 15 years ago

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Thanks, SkierGirl

RE: Help :[ by SkierGirl 15 years ago

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your well come

RE: Help :[ by Strudle_Puff 15 years ago

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skiergirl is right :) but you can also pin your bracelet to a clipboard, or hang it on a hook while making it. it will be much easier, and stable. :)

RE: Help :[ by K8e92 15 years ago

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make sue u tie ur knots really tight and u secure it while making it. i find that if u tape it to any hars surface or use a clip board that making them is really easy

RE: Help :[ by wojo 15 years ago

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if you use like a clipboard or tape the knot to a surface
(mascing tape works best that i discovered and im sorry if i cant spell) and tie your knots tight i did an experiment on it one time


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