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Help with bracelet buckle by pinkbyvs 15 years ago

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I am so lost with the buckle. Is there a video on youtube or something to show a step by step on how to start a buckle for a bracelet. PLEASE help me. I'm beyond lost on the buckle.

RE: Help with bracelet buckle by wojo 15 years ago

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i looked on youtube and didnt see anything but
have you check the learn page and if thats
what your lost on... this is how i do my bracelet
i either tie it on and leave it there or i do this:
when i tie the knot at the beginning of the bracelet
i make the tread twice as long as it should and bend it in half then i tie a knot at the top like normal i do the same
pattern like i would (only if there is an even number of strings per color otherwise i cant help you) anyway at the end i either tie a knot so it fits through the loop at the top then your done or if im running out of thread and dont have the bracelet long enough i put the strings in half and braid them tie a knot at the end of each and then, then tie them both together and make sure they fit through the loop hope this helps :) if not let me know

RE: Help with bracelet buckle by pinkbyvs 15 years ago

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Thanks for responding! I see what you mean with a loop then knot so i can adjust it. I've done that with a lot of mine already. I'm just eager to know how to make that buckle. It looks nice and makes it easier to start the pattern.

RE: Help with bracelet buckle by wojo 15 years ago

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your welcome and no problem

RE: Help with bracelet buckle by morgian_le_faye 15 years ago

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The buckle uses a macrame square knot. If you go to Youtube and search Macreme Square Knot, you'll find many videos showing you how to make it. Happy Knotting!

RE: Help with bracelet buckle by wojo 15 years ago

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ok i will try that way too


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