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HELP PLEASE :) by irieLOVE 16 years ago

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im trying to make some of the bracelets on the site BUT the diagram that attempts to show how to tie the knots isnt helping :( does anyone know an easier way?

RE: HELP PLEASE :) by Maxx 16 years ago

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What do you mean it's not helping?

In case you don't really know how to do it; there's a really easy video that shows you how to do a specific pattern in the correct order.

The video and pattern are under # "3."

Good Luck; let me know if I can help more so. ^^

RE: HELP PLEASE :) by usr485 16 years ago

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the diagram was confusing for me too. it helps to think of the first knot in a right double half hitch as a 4, then do it again. for the left double half hitch, make the 4 backwards, then do it once more. i hope that makes sense


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