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Problems Viewing Patterns by seahorse130 13 years ago

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A few days ago, I went on someone's page to see the patterns that she had made. I scrolled through and then went to do something else. Now, whenever I click "Patterns" at the top of the screen, the only ones that show up are hers. I can not view any of the new patterns made by other users. :(

If you could fix it or tell me how to fix it, I would be so happy. I have 3 days of patterns to catch up on!


RE: Problems Viewing Patterns by Charmed_1 13 years ago

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I had the same thing happen to me untill I realized that when ever you look at someone else's patterns or even your own, it automatically keeps in the "made by user" section on the pattern page.. What you need to to is go to the patterns page, on the left side where they have the choices for type of pattern, sort by and filters, under the filter, you will see "made by user" and that user's name will show there, just clear that and check the type of patterns you want to veiw and it should be fine.....Just remember to clear that when viewing peoples patterns..

RE: Problems Viewing Patterns by seahorse130 13 years ago

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Thank you so much! That fixed it! :)


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