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Can't get the pattern to work by Lindsey932 15 years ago

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I found a pattern at Heather's Friendship Bracelets (before I found this site actually) but I couldn't figure it out. After deciding that there was no hope, I found this site. So, in a moment of blind stupidity, I decided to try to convert the original pattern I found into one like this site has, because even I seem to be able to follow them. And of course, I had to try this myself. Well. I got the pattern half made, and by that I mean I figured out what colour the dots are supposed to be. I fought with it for close to 5 hours before I gave up. But if anyone else has a few minutes and has a clue what they are doing maybe someone could try to finish it for me? The part I managed to figure out is here:
And the original pattern that I had found is here:
Thank you so much for any help!

RE: Can't get the pattern to work by karxalc 15 years ago

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Your pattern it's almost finish, it's just missing one row at the end and then just repeat the pattern.

RE: Can't get the pattern to work by Lindsey932 15 years ago

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Ok HERE is what i get when i put it into the generator. It doesn't even look anything close to what i wanted. Also, this generator will not allow 19 rows, you have to have 18 or 20. I think that 18 works in this case because i can see how it ends up the same as it started so you can start the pattern again.
The problem with the first one was that i knew what colour the dots were, but not the rest of it. I need to know where the threads actually GO when they're done making the knots.

RE: Can't get the pattern to work by Stefan 15 years ago

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There is nothing wrong with your pattern, it is super fabolous!
You just found a bug for me! Thanks. I'm working on it. Meanwhile, I changed back to an old version of the generator, it works but you will get a mirrored pattern preview image (sorry!).


RE: Can't get the pattern to work by wojo 15 years ago

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AWESOME pattern hope it gets generated

RE: Can't get the pattern to work by Olympe 14 years ago

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Since Heather does not mind seeing her patterns elsewhere:
Hope that works...

RE: Can't get the pattern to work by Lindsey932 14 years ago

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It is also up here, but in slightly different colours.


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