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Messed up... by stargirl13 15 years ago

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I was just wondering what you guys do with your bracelets when/if you mess up and can't fix them?

I cut mine off and throw away the excess and put them on my keyring.

RE: Messed up... by Cathelijn 15 years ago

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I undo all the knots, until the row where I didn't mess up. It's a lot of work, but I think it's worth it. I never throw a bracelet away.

RE: Messed up... by RRR 15 years ago

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yeah me too i always take the knots out but if its a very small mistake i just leave it and hope nobody sees its there which they usually dont

RE: Messed up... by stargirl13 15 years ago

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Ok, just wondering.. I don't ever throw mine away either. I just tie them off and make a keyring out of them. I have people all the time commenting on my keyrings and I just take it off and give it to them if they like it. :)

RE: Messed up... by wojo 15 years ago

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i usually just put them in a bag just so i no which ones i did but i like the keyring idea i will try it....

RE: Messed up... by Joy 15 years ago

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i can't really fig. out how to put then on a keyring...any ideas?

RE: Messed up... by Kaisui_Izumi 15 years ago

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