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how to create.. by Atila 15 years ago

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there's a bracelet with 5 different smileys. Does anyone have sample how to make it? because there's only one smiley pttern :)

RE: how to create.. by Atila 15 years ago

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i ofund how to make. You will see these smileys soon on this page :)

RE: how to create.. by Zolo 15 years ago

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Pls put here a link to the pattern of the five different smilies.

RE: how to create.. by stargil13 15 years ago

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Wait a bit :) now i'm creating a patterns to all of these smileys. Later i'll add whole pattern with 5 smileys. And im copying it from other site where pattern is'nt so clear. So i'll put to this site to help it make easier. I haven't started to make any of these so you can wait too :D

RE: how to create.. by Atila 15 years ago

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that account is mine. I thout that you need to write somones name to get access to registration, so i typed that name :D a bit fail.. :)

RE: how to create.. by rozina 15 years ago

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there are the patterns

RE: how to create.. by rozina 15 years ago

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click on the purple button below the image of the pattern and you will find exact steps

RE: how to create.. by Zolo 15 years ago

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Great site. I have some of my bracelets posted on this site:
The last one is my favorite

RE: how to create.. by karxalc 15 years ago

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I like all your bracelets :) ,the last one is great, where did you learn how to make it?, or did you make the pattern?
Now I know why a similar pattern on Heather's forum it's called Zolino xD

RE: how to create.. by Zolo 15 years ago

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karxalc: Thank you. The pattern is my invention, so it is unique. Could you please send me a link on heathers forum?


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