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width? by mxos 15 years ago

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i have this problem when im tying that my bracelets always turn out really skinny. like when i look at pictures, i notice that my bracelets with 8 threads are the same width as others with 6 threads. why is this? is it because i am tying my knots too tight? if so, how can i make my bracelets wider without making them so loose that they dont look neat? thanks so much if you can help.

RE: width? by Zolo 15 years ago

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If you would like to make your bracelets tighter, you can take 2 threads instead of one. Because some threads are not so tight, then others. I always use two threads instead of one, because in Slovakia, where I live you can get mostly only thin threads. But I have 2 Italian threads and there are thick enough to take only one thread. I hope, i helped.


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