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How to Read patterns. by horsingaround 15 years ago

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I am new and i am used to foward and backward knots and i understand they are the same. But when you read patterns is it like the first row going right then the second just following the knots? it kind of confuses me.

RE: How to Read patterns. by horsingaround 14 years ago

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anyone? do you knot the rows across? or down?

RE: How to Read patterns. by Joy 14 years ago

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i just go row by row...idk i just do what helps me. i have only been on this site for about a month now so i can't really say. most ppl have a different way of doing it

RE: How to Read patterns. by Rissa 14 years ago

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Some people like to go row by row as it helps to keep track on the pattern. If you print the pattern out you can just cross the finished row out. In some cases the bracelets are a bit more regular this way, but this might also depend on your experience.

Then there are patterns that you really have to do row by row, like this one by Joy. There are only bk/fk and fk/bk, and for patterns made this way it is the only way to make it that I know.

I personally prefer to "cut" the pattern in steps.
Let's take this pattern.

I'd start with the green and red knots in the middle, then do the blue knot. Next think would be the black "half diamond" lining these three knots. Half of the purple side triangle would follow, then the red side triangle and the other half of teh purple one. Now I can make a complete diagonal white line. The pruple oand red side triangle at the left side would be next, then half of the black diamond, then the colorful single knots in the middle - now it's the same as at the beginning, just mirrored.

I always try to work with one string as long as possible.

I think this needs some experience with knotting as you have to know what cabn be done at once and which knots have to be made later, but I learned to do it this way, and when I first saw a graph like the generator pics I automatically did it this way and never thought someone else could do it differently.

So as both methods work well, the first one might be more regular and the second one faster, just pic the one that's better for you.

RE: How to Read patterns. by Joy 14 years ago

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how would the second one b fster??

RE: How to Read patterns. by moushtie 14 years ago

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It's faster to work with one string as long as possible because you don't have to pick up a new thread to knot each time.. you already have the thread you're working with in your hand.

RE: How to Read patterns. by Rissa 14 years ago

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Because you spend less time searching for the next strings.

If you go by horizontal row you take two strings, make one knot, search the next two strings. You have to keep all threads sorted.
If you do it the second way you keep one thread in your hand as long as possible, you only have to search the background thread which doesn't take that long. Also the background threads can be a mess until they are needed to be the "active thread" again.
At least for me this is a lot faster.

When I knot I prefer to be able to do it everywhere, so I have to memorize the pattern. This is easier for me if I "cut" the pattern into parts like mentioned before.
I just remember "white diagonal zig-zag, red and purple triangle at the sides, colorful diamond" in the right order and I can go wherever I want. At least for me it's easier and faster than looking at the pattern (or the bracelet instead), search at which row I am, search the next two strings to make one single white knot which is part of the diagonal zig-zag.

As said before everyone is different. What works perfect for me might not work for you. But this depends on how you started learning.

I just have one question to everyone who goes row by row: Would you also do the candystripe pattern (pattern #1) or the chevron (#2) row by row, or would you make these two diagonally?

RE: How to Read patterns. by Joy 14 years ago

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i'm not sure but i would probably do them row by row b/c when i look at the patterns thats what i see to do first, but i f i was just doing the stipes or chevron for fun, i would do it my own way. if ur way is easiest for u thats cool but i like to go row by row.

RE: How to Read patterns. by horsingaround 14 years ago

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Thanks everyone! I don't know how to do links but on pattern #422 which i am preparing to make what method would i use? I was thinking about using Rissa's first method but I want to not make any mistakes cause it for my friend.

RE: How to Read patterns. by Rissa 14 years ago

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One way would be to take the first and second thread from the left (white and red) and make a forward knot, put both of them aside, take the third and fourth string and make a bk/fk and put them aside, take the middle threads (blue) for a backward knot and go on this way to finish the first row.
Then you start at the left side again with the second row: take the white thread (second from left) to make a white forward knot, put them aside, then make a blue bk/fk, blue fk/bk and white backward knot.

The other way would be to start with the third and fourth thread from the left side, make the bk/fk, take the third and fourth thread from the right side, make the fk/bk. Then take the middle threads (blue) to make the small diamond consisting of four knots, the bk, the fk/bk and bk/fk in the second row and the fk in the third row.
Now you can do 4 fk on the left side and after that 5 bk on the right side with the white thread.

You can do any method, the way you prefer it.
If you want to be on the safe side it might be best for you to really do the first method. This way you won't forget a knot because you always use the next two strings in a row.
And if you want to be really sure that you don't make a mistake I suggest you to print the pattern out and mark each row you have already finished or put a piece of paper or a ruler on it to mark the row.


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