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Twisted Bracelet? by Tokio 14 years ago

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Does anyone know where to find the instructions for a bracelet like these?

RE: Twisted Bracelet? by Mimii 14 years ago

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Well I took a look at the site and it seems to me that they just wrapped colored embroidery thread around a shoelace or draw string of some kind. I Don't know of any tutorials like that but im sure it wouldnt be too hard to figure out... I know I didn't help much, but hopefully someone else here knows more about it. Good Luck

RE: Twisted Bracelet? by Snoophammy 14 years ago

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They look like hair wraps

Maybe try that in google or something
I remember seeing something like that in a book :/

RE: Twisted Bracelet? by Tokio 14 years ago

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I've seriously spent hours looking on Google for instructions. I know they aren't Chinese staircase, but I can't find any instructions.

RE: Twisted Bracelet? by K8e92 14 years ago

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those are amazing but i have no clue what they are. how did you come across this picture?

RE: Twisted Bracelet? by Tokio 14 years ago

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It took me a couple hours of online searching to find a picture. A kid in my class wants me to make him one like it. He's cute, so I'm not declining haha. I can't find the instructions anywhere though :(

RE: Twisted Bracelet? by danceiituupx3 14 years ago

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hey, i know a really cool twist kind and its just like that but slightly different! It rotates colors just like that and has the kind of twirl around it too. so totally give me a buzz if you'd like instructions.

RE: Twisted Bracelet? by Tokio 14 years ago

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If it isn't Chinese staircase, then could I have the instructions?

RE: Twisted Bracelet? by inops 14 years ago

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Does this help at all?

RE: Twisted Bracelet? by inops 14 years ago

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