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Organizing thread? by jamiethegymnast 13 years ago

Hey everybody! Well, I was going through my enormous tangled up heap of thread the other day, and I was wondering how everyone organizes their thread! So, this is what mine used to look like...

Yeah! Not so good... So, today I started threading all the string onto little pieces of cardboard. This is how it looks so far...

It's gettin' there! As you might be able to see I made a J, a heart, a star, and 'LOL' for thread. :)

So how does everyone organize their thread? Are you a 'I'll do it later' clumper or a 'Must. Have. Perfection.' spool kind of person?

RE: Organizing thread? by MeowMix 13 years ago

haha! Thats so creative!!! I need to get some tomorrow....

RE: Organizing thread? by jamiethegymnast 13 years ago

Thanks! :)

RE: Organizing thread? by ElleMay 13 years ago

nice idea! I used to keep mine as a skien in a bag. then I found a nice thin case at walmart. (it had string in it) it was 12$. I desided to get it and practice with the walmart string. FYI: do not get cheap string, it broke on me, luckily as I was finishing the bracelet.
Anyway, I put the cheap string in the bag (where it belongs) and put my good string in the case! Now all my strings are nice and tidy!

RE: Organizing thread? by jamiethegymnast 13 years ago

Huh! I didn't know they has cases there. I was just there yesterday re-stocking on string (they actually have nice string, works well for me) and I didn't see anything. :o Could be different because I'm in Canada though.

RE: Organizing thread? by MeowMix 13 years ago

I think I know what shes talking about, I have one and it's usually for bobbins (with strings, the ones you have in the picture) And it's just like a row, and they have different compartments, atleast mine does.

RE: Organizing thread? by ElleMay 13 years ago

I know what MeowMix is thinking, My mom keeps her embroidery floss organized with those. Jealous.
Anyway, no, I have a kids kit, basically. Walmarts craft section has kid crafts, and a friendship bracelet kit is what I got. It has a pink bottom and a clear lid.
I live in the US, so Canadian Walmarts may be different, I know we don't have thread at ours anymore. At least not DMC, they stopped selling that about 5-6 years ago. I was crushed! Now I get my thread from Hobby Lobby.
Oh, and my idea may not have been the best, my little case is slim enough to go beside my laptop in its laptop bag, but the thread case is already full! So I can't fit much more in it!

RE: Organizing thread? by MeowMix 13 years ago

Oh...well the organizing thing i was talking about, that's my Moms too. I'm jealous, too.

RE: Organizing thread? by ElleMay 13 years ago

I would use one of those, But I'm too lazy/busy to wrap all my thread around those cards. I have a few of those boxes though, I use them for my bead storage.
My pink-bottomed case will work for now though.
I like that it is slim enough to go with me, I can place it behind my clipboard, and in with my laptop. :)

RE: Organizing thread? by DancingTurtle 13 years ago

Organizing is my skill I need to improve! Haha!:) string is the only thing that's organized:D I use these clear containers with segments. I use bobbins and put each color in rainbow order. I like organizing string but can't seem to enjoy cleanin' my room!!!!! :-)


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