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RE: Organizing thread? by ashitx 13 years ago

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jo-ann fabrics. theres one right by my house, so its super easy to get more. (:

RE: Organizing thread? by jamiethegymnast 13 years ago

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Oh ok! Thanks:) You are lucky to have one very close!

RE: Organizing thread? by ashitx 13 years ago

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sure. (:
and yea, i was so happy when they built it, especially when it became a super jo-ann fabrics.
and i really like your idea, to wind the thread around different shapes. clever. :D

RE: Organizing thread? by jamiethegymnast 13 years ago

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Thanks! :) And you are lucky because I don't think we have that store in Canada!

RE: Organizing thread? by ashitx 13 years ago

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micheals craft store also has a nice variety of DMC floss, although i'm not sure if those are in Canada either... ):

RE: Organizing thread? by tessifer52 13 years ago

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I use a jewelry case with three levels that stack. I put my neutral colors (black, brown, and white) in the top level, hot colors (red, orange, yellow) in the second, and cool colors (green, blue, purple, and pink) in the bottom. It works really well for skeins of embroidery thread and I would recommend looking into a nice case. :)

RE: Organizing thread? by jamiethegymnast 13 years ago

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ashtix, that's awesome because our usual Michael's is far away, but they are in the process away of building one right now that's biking distance from my house! Yay!

and tessifer52, that sounds like something I would do, organizing my colours! :)

RE: Organizing thread? by bracelet_baker 13 years ago

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wow. i think my thread is unorganized compared to everybody else. time to start working :)

RE: Organizing thread? by CeeCee13 13 years ago

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I used to organize my threads in color order with the bobbins, but my container dropped and everything fell out, so I just put them back in a random order. The only thing that is in color order is my variegated threads because I keep them seperate.

RE: Organizing thread? by Dodadoo 13 years ago

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wow you are all so organized.

I already said how I organize mine but I keep them in like a winnie pooh metal lunck box lol cuz I don't have a box like yours


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