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Tutorials section up :) by Stefan 14 years ago

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Look at the page Tutorials. What do you think? It is spanking new!

Instead of the boring step-by-step stuff, every user can upload own tutorials and images. All tutorials can be rated by the users and are sorted by the rating.


RE: Tutorials section up :) by Mimii 14 years ago

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Yay congrats Stefan! It's hard to imagine that this site can get any better, but you make that happen over and over again. Do you have a donation button on this site??

RE: Tutorials section up :) by Stefan 14 years ago

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Thank you, you're so sweet ;D

Yesterday I had no donate button, but I do today!


RE: Tutorials section up :) by Joy 14 years ago

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cool!! will there be a xtra tab to go to this donate section and can ppl donate more than once?

RE: Tutorials section up :) by Joy 14 years ago

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oh and btw...this site is awesome!! keep up the good work!!!

RE: Tutorials section up :) by Stefan 14 years ago

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There is a "Donate" link at the bottom of the page right now, not super-visible but it's there! (should make it more visible..)

...and yes, people can donate more than once :D

I'm really greatful if you donate, I will definitely put down more hard work on the site if you do so :D

RE: Tutorials section up :) by Cathelijn 14 years ago

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I love the tutorial section. It's great for beginners. Do you check every tutorial. And do you also look for mistakes in it? Just wondering ;)

RE: Tutorials section up :) by Stefan 14 years ago

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Yes I do!

Btw, thanks for your zig-zag bracelet tutorial Cathelijn :)

Somethign to improove the section by Zolo 14 years ago

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The Tutorials section is really great. I hope, that I will have time to make one tutorial :) I think, it would be really great, if you could add comments to each tutorial, like in the forum. What do you think about it?

RE: Tutorials section up :) by Stefan 14 years ago

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Comment functions are under construction :D

I also updated the tutorials page with some video thumbnails at the top of the tutorials page. Have a look!


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