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RE: Marking photo's by usr40717 13 years ago

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If they published a book with the photos, somebody could be sued if one is willing to take it that far.

RE: Marking photo's by Stefan 13 years ago

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You have a good point here, and I guess it would be great if all photos could be marked automatically.
The old server was too slow and too "weak" to do the watermarking, but this one is quite powerful. I'd guess it could add "(c)" for us. Or similar. I'll add this to the todo-list :)

RE: Marking photo's by Charmed_1 13 years ago

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I think most of us are already willing if we haven't done so by now, use our "OWN" signiture/watermark on our photo's. Before I got my watermark program, I just used microsoft works to create something with my name and print it up so I Can take my picture. Or you can even hand drawing/writing something it will be just as good. Not sure how many users here would want "(c)" on the pic's. Maybe have an option button/link to have it included when uploading a photo and or you can simply add it to TOU of a stipulation of not being resonpable when photo's are stolen from this site? This way they can choose rather or not to put the site watermark on there photo's or take there chances. I soo hope this made sence. Personally I rather use my own signiture/watermark for my photo's. It's a pain either way you look at it, but users would be aware of the issue and can choose to do something about it; rahter with there own watermark, or the site watermark or do nothing and take your chances. -anyway its all Just a thought! As Acid said earlier, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

RE: Marking photo's by Aiyanna 13 years ago

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I like the idea of an automatic watermark, that would help alot....but charmed has a good point too..
i guess drawing something random in the backround and putting the bracelet ontop of it would work..they would have to do alot of editing and cutting around the bracelet.s to try to get that out..and noone can really copy your drawing..
ok, I agree with charmed it should be optional...that way everyone runs there own risk if they want to..

RE: Marking photo's by karxalc 13 years ago

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But the photos are not "(c)" ^^

RE: Marking photo's by Stefan 13 years ago

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Good points!
karxalc: You're right. I guess I was caffeine high or just confused by my own PHP code when I wrote that. The copyright of an uploaded photo still belongs to the person who uploaded it. I meant just ""

RE: Marking photo's by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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I wonder if it would be possible to automatically watermark the photos we upload with "(c) ~username~" as well as with ""? Since we have to be logged in to upload photos anyway, it seems possible that our usernames could be added automatically somehow. It wouldn't even have to be a watermark necessarily. It could be included in the bottom corner like on the patterns without interfering with the photo itself. Seems that as long as it's on there, it would give us a leg to stand on for argument's sake should a situation like this arise again. And as it's already been said, it could be optional if a member chooses not to have the watermark or signature... What do you think?

RE: Marking photo's by Rissa 13 years ago

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Would it be possible to include something to the FAQ or TOU that makes clear that the copyright is still owned by those who made the photos or that prohibits the use at other sites without asking the owner?

Just today it was noticed that several photos by different users have been used as example pictures at an ebay auction, and when the person was asked she said that she was allowed to do that as there wasn't any copyright to the pics according to the TOU...

RE: Marking photo's by meg14 13 years ago

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Yeah, there isn't a copyright on the pics, but there should be if there's a copyright law to the patterns. I am just saying though. You don't have to agree with me about that.

RE: Marking photo's by Rissa 13 years ago

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There absolutely is a copyright to the pics, and it belongs to those who made them unless the rightful owners resign, and in that case this has to be clearly stated as far as I know. Isn't this international copyright law? That's why Stefan said that the copyright still belongs to the person who uploaded it so that any automatic tag won't include the (c).

But if it could at least be made clear that the pictures are not free to use as example pics of any kind unless the owner of the copyright agrees it might help a bit already.

In the case I refer to someone has used pictures by some moderators and regular members as well as her own pictures to sell own bracelets at ebay, but the name tag has been removed or painted over.
All the pictures that have been used showed very regular bracelets in a nice surrounding - if pics like this get snatched on a regular basis I'm just glad that I don't own equipment to make high quality pics...


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