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Problems Uploading Photo's by Charmed_1 13 years ago

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I've never had this issue before, and now all of a sudden it's becoming a big annoying issue. Isn't the Flash Photoa Uploader for those pictures still too big for uploading get resized automatically for you?....or do I have it wrong!. I re- uploaded a picture that I had removed to watermark it which it's size is simular to what I'm trying to upload now, and are not working. before the server issue, i was able to upload photo's slightly larger through the Flash uploader, I've have since been forced to keep resizing pictures, but If I go to small, then it's only going to appear blurry, which I've seen from other people pictures in the gallery, and seriously why bother?. I've been using different uploader after uploader and I'm getting tired to say the am I doing wrong?

RE: Problems Uploading Photo's by Charmed_1 13 years ago

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I went ahead and did it the hard way. still don't why I'm able to upload a larger size photo using "Flash Uploader" and when I go use it again it doesn't any rate, I have some photo's up, just had to do it the annoying way.

RE: Problems Uploading Photo's by FatnSassy 13 years ago

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I'm using a dinosaur version of Microsoft Picture It! to edit my photos before uploading, like adding my signature and edges, etc. I've found that if I resize my photos to 3.5"x5" in that program and "save as", I can then upload with the flash uploader with no problems.

RE: Problems Uploading Photo's by Charmed_1 13 years ago

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I have Windows Live Photo Gallery. It's newer, it came with computer when I bought me a new one, a year ago. I've been using that the whole time and was able to use the Flash Uploader with no problems, but now it don't want to work. A tad annoying but were theres a will, there's a way!. :-) I think I have a system for this now. LOL

RE: Problems Uploading Photo's by TinyTaint 13 years ago

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where can i go to upload my photos? i cant even seem to find that

RE: Problems Uploading Photo's by Charmed_1 13 years ago

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go to a pattern of the bracelet you've made and you'll find a link for uploading photo's.


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