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RE: Peruvian Bracelets by Acid 14 years ago

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The trick I found is to pull the knots tight to get the thicker threads to curve and create that wave shape. I've started my 2nd one last week so I'm trying to figure it out too :)

I tried mine with wool instead of cord (as i didn't have any) and it seems to work well although I must admit the cord does have a more stand out effect :)

Cord you can find in sewing/fabric shops with the binding bits and bobs.

RE: Peruvian Bracelets by rawrChiki 14 years ago

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i've seen many tutorials and many of my friends have these bracelets . i've heard you can use regular floss to make the knots but some of my friends have this floss that is smooth and in one of the tutorials it said to use "macrame string" if anyone knows where i can find this type of string i would really appreaciate it =]

RE: Peruvian Bracelets by Cathelijn 14 years ago

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I used wool to, just like Acid, at first it's hard to let the thread curve. But after a while it's really simple. It's not that hard as it looks.

@rawrChiki: I think by macrame string they mean thicker string. But you can also make Peruvian bracelets with embroidery thread. Especially when you use many colors, it's great.

RE: Peruvian Bracelets by K8e92 14 years ago

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i use embroidery floss because its smoother. i havent tried making a peruvian bracelet with the other string. but like Cathelijn said macrame must be thicker. also you have to tie the knots tighter to make the wave look. i've made some and might post some pics with other braceles soon.

RE: Peruvian Bracelets by Gracie04 14 years ago

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how do you do the straight ones i have been wondering!


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