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what do u think? by Joy 14 years ago

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do u think i should...........

stop making all these random posts and quit or keep making thes random posts and dont quit and make stupid patterns since nobody likes them? its a good thing ther isn't a report user button! i am so lucky rite now!!

RE: what do u think? by Kaisui_Izumi 14 years ago

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Well Joy, I wouldn't mind you staying here and continue making patterns, but I would truly like for you to stop posting mean comments on people's threads. Truly I take it you wouldn't like someone to post a comment saying something incredibly rude and selfish to you now would you?

But please Joy, just take a moment to consider your choice of staying here with a change of heart, or leave if you truly cannot stand people not being able to have the time to make a bracelet of your design or post in your topics.

I do ask of you to stop posting rude comments though. So please Joy, just think about your decisions and go on with your life stress free.

RE: what do u think? by Acid 14 years ago

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Joy, not everyone who uses this forum lives here 24 hours a day, some of us actually have lives to lead and jobs to do and some with families to look after.

I like your patterns, what i'm not liking right now is your desperate attempt to get people to comment on them and even when someone does, you still have to repost the same topic again and again. Why the desperate need for the validation of your work?

You are also very rude it makes me wonder why you come here to be rude and you wonder why people won't comment on your topics?

Honestly if you actually chilled out a bit and stopped being rude and pushy on the matter you may actually get a response that's constructive and useful to your designs and future designs. And if your that bothered about having them made, why not actually do them yourself if you haven't already?

RE: what do u think? by Joy 14 years ago

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an answer to ur last question... basically i have a teacher thaqt wants me to make ur a bracelet and i just nvr have time to make any of them fully and them take a foto b/c i don't really no which photo is which when i go to upload them bc the r always lik 459 3953 and the last # or some # in the middle whould be diff and i would have the card out of the camera so i couldn't veiw them and i could go on and on but srry for my rudness but mother nature has been working on me this week(if u catch my drift....) so my mood has been somewhat grumpy...srry.. thanks tho...i'll try to chill a little bit acid..

RE: what do u think? by Cathelijn 14 years ago

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Hi Joy,
We forgive you ^^ I understand why you've been grumpy. So don't post any mean things and stop advertising for your patterns. Let's keep this forum nice. Thanks ^^

RE: what do u think? by Joy 14 years ago

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ur welcome!


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