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iPhone cover by darlinlily 13 years ago

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I want to make a cover for mi iPhone, how do I calculate the width and length of the bracelet and how many strings and rows are necessary? Please help.

RE: iPhone cover by Don 13 years ago

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well u knw i dont even knw that either soooo let me see i will tell u if i find out

RE: iPhone cover by Rissa 13 years ago

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I assume that you've already made some bracelets? So just take one you've made recently and with the material you usually use and measure it in relation to the number of strings.

My normal style bracelets normally are "string number-1=mm" wide (20 strings=19 mm, 50 strings =4,9cm and so on). Your bracelets may be smaller or wider, depending on string type, knotting style etc., also if you use normal or alpha, so you have to find your measurements out for yourself.

Once you find out it should not be too hard to figure out the number of strings you need for your cover.

Same goes with number of rows. Count the number of rows on an average bracelet you did, measure the length, see how many rows you made in 1cm, then think how long the cover has to be, so if the phone is 10cm long your cover will have to cover front and back and some overlapping, at least 25-30cm, if your phone is bigger you need more. Try it out while knotting.
Think about adding strings before you start and find a method that suits you best - you'll most definitely need it.

For my cover of an old Sony-Ericsson phone I needed about 54 strings IIRC, the cover was about 25cm long when I finished it. I can't say how many rows that are as I just knotted until it was long enough.

RE: iPhone cover by darlinlily 13 years ago

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Ok so I just calculated that 1 knot is approximately 0.1 cm and my iphone is 6.5 cm (2.5") wide so I need 65 strings it's also 11.5 cm (4.5") wide so I need 230 rows since I will fold it. We'll see how it works out

RE: iPhone cover by darlinlily 13 years ago

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Thanks Rissa thats exactly what I was doing whem you replied.
are there any patterns you think would look nice?

RE: iPhone cover by hpgames 13 years ago

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what you should do :cheat! make your pattern out of yarn so it is thicker,then you don't need to use as much string and your case is soft!

RE: iPhone cover by zhzubzir4 12 years ago

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Came across this xbox games download android phone problemsNokia solution when I looking for cover for my iPhone...


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