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Uhm. by Helloo 14 years ago

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Hello, I am new to this. Friendship bracelets looks nice, but if a guy wears it , is it considered weird or anything?
If it is then nevermind haha.
If it isn't, which hand do I wear it on, and how do I wear it?Thanks

RE: Uhm. by zsylvester 14 years ago

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No, it's not weird at all, just in case you dont make it with like pink and purple and a bunch of feminine colors. And you can waer ghem on either hand. Also people will ask you to make one for them, and if you do, do it secretly because once somebody gets one they all want one, and ask them not to tell who made it for them. ; )

RE: Uhm. by Joy 14 years ago

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accually it doesn't really matter fora guy to wear pink or any feminine colors. basically i usually wear my braceltes on the wrist of that hand that i write w/. so since i rite /w my rite hand, i wear my bracelets on my rtie wrist.

also, i like it when more and more ppl ask me to make them a bracelet cuz then that shows me ppl enjoy my work. so let lppl say who made them their bracelet. but if u find too many ppl asking u, sometimes what i would say it that i already have one going and that i must finish that one b4 i start another. jus don't use that excuse to get ppl off ur back about it b/c that would get annoying to sdome ppl. hope this helps!!

pm me if u have any more questions! thanks

RE: Uhm. by Helloo 14 years ago

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But friendship bracelets are supposed to be gifts from friends. If my friends are not interested, does this mean I'm never going to get one? Would it seem silly if I make one for myself?

RE: Uhm. by cassasaur 14 years ago

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It is definitely not silly to make one for yourself. People always see me making my bracelets in class and I have girls AND guys ask me to make multiple bracelets for them. Plenty of guys wear them and collect them on their arms like a lot of girls do now. But like zsylvester said, don't use a ton of feminine colors together and don't let on about making them..people DO swarm. I have a waiting list! haha

RE: Uhm. by Helloo 14 years ago

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Alright, but where do I get materials to make one? :) My hands are very .. empty. No watches, nothing on them. So friendship bands would be nice!

RE: Uhm. by Helloo 14 years ago

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Oh and thanks for the information everyone!

RE: Uhm. by artemis 14 years ago

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I make bracelet for me, not for the others. If somebody wants i make one, i will do.
If i see a nice pattern i make it for me, because i want to wear it ^^
Don't wait after your friends to wear friendship bracelet ;-)

RE: Uhm. by artjunkie 14 years ago

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you can always make a set of bracelets like it would be matching , same design but different colors then give one of the bracelets to a best friend or someone you care about.

RE: Uhm. by cassasaur 14 years ago

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For your question on materials, most craft stores carry embroidery floss which is what most people use. Places like Michaels, AC Moore, Hobby Lobby, etc typically have it :]


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