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Notifications for adding favorites by Rachel_D 13 years ago

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I think it would be nice if you got a notification every time someone added one of your patterns to their favorites page. What do you guys think?

RE: Notifications for adding favorites by Foz 13 years ago

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I get a little rush everytime someone posts a picture to one of my patterns, I don't think I could handle any more excitement ;-) also, I quite like that my favourites are just there for me - unless someone actually visits my page to see the patterns I've hearted :-)

RE: Notifications for adding favorites by Stefan 13 years ago

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I believe that it could be implemented.. but I think summaries of how many and which users favorite'd would do, at least for me! What do you think about that?

RE: Notifications for adding favorites by Joy 13 years ago

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yea sounds good

RE: Notifications for adding favorites by Joy 13 years ago

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i like counting how many of my patterns that they have in their favs. i think someone had lke 16 of mine...its fun to count my patterns that tey have..

RE: Notifications for adding favorites by Rachel_D 13 years ago

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Yeah, that's sound great, Stefan! :-D :-D :-D

RE: Notifications for adding favorites by twin2 13 years ago

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Sounds AWESOME! =D

RE: Notifications for adding favorites by vorobay 13 years ago

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How do I unfavor the pattern? I accidentally put two of the same on my favorites and don't know how to remove one.

RE: Notifications for adding favorites by vorobay 13 years ago

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I figured it out. Thanks!

RE: Notifications for adding favorites by Foz 13 years ago

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@kankn I've removed three spam messages from you on other threads. if you don't stop spamming you'll be banned.


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