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RE: Disappearing patterns.. by MetallicWings 12 years ago

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Maybe it would be a good idea to give the makers a notification, so they can save them to their computers before they disappear? Just a thought..

RE: Disappearing patterns.. by Carrie 12 years ago

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The pattern still exists, you can still see it, so why not save it now?

RE: Disappearing patterns.. by MetallicWings 12 years ago

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Already did. But that was for the future, if someone else should have a similar situation. It's not a bad thought is it? I think people would appreciate this then they would at least know that this is going to be removed and maybe the reason too.

RE: Disappearing patterns.. by gerbilsrawesome 12 years ago

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I kind of agree, maybe some kind of "Recycle Bin" or something where to-be-deleted patterns could go for a certain period of time before they get deleted. That way anyone that wanted it could save the pattern first. Just a thought. :)

RE: Disappearing patterns.. by Carrie 12 years ago

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Well Stefan fixed it so that the creator can always see their rejected patterns. However, if it's rejected, there's a reason for it, and no one else is going to need to see it.

RE: Disappearing patterns.. by gerbilsrawesome 12 years ago

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Can you tell me where I can always see my rejected patterns? I know when I get a notification that it's rejected, I can click the link and it can take me there, but after a while, those notifications get replaced by others. So after a while I can't see them. Is there any permanent place? And not to argue with you ;), but someone might not *need* to see it, but they might still find is helpful or useful. And that would just be for patterns that got published and then later rejected because they were useless, not ones that were rejected to begin with because of inappropriate content or something like that.

RE: Disappearing patterns.. by Carrie 12 years ago

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Like I said, we don't reject patterns for funsies. If we reject a pattern, it's already on the site or it's inappropriate. I'm not sure where you can access them, but I know mods can. I recommend once it's rejected to save the pattern to your computer, and if you don't get to save it we can send you the links. I'll ask Stefan to fix this.

RE: Disappearing patterns.. by gerbilsrawesome 12 years ago

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I know. I'm just saying that if a pattern is published and then later rejected because the font is already on the site or something, during that time someone could have started a project on it. To have it suddenly deleted, they might have no idea that there is the font for it already on the site and then they won't know what to do. Just saying, if something like that happens, it might be helpful to have some kind of warning or something. Just a thought!
Yes, that's what I've been doing and it's really not a problem at the moment as I have them all saved, but it could be a potential problem for others. So thanks for your thoughts and help!

RE: Disappearing patterns.. by Carrie 12 years ago

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I'll consider posting a 24 hour warning.

RE: Disappearing patterns.. by gerbilsrawesome 12 years ago

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Yeah, that might be kind of nice. But it's not absolutely necessary or anything! Thanks!


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