
was donated
lengths by tiny_dancer 14 years ago

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ive been making bracelets for a while but i've never know how long to cut me thread. can anybody tell me a goood length to cut at ????

RE: lengths by Tokio 14 years ago

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Its all a guessing game. For smaller bracelets, I try to use a full arm's length of string (from the tip of my middle finger to my shoulder). For longer bracelets, I'll either do from the tip of my middle finger to the shoulder on my other arm or the elbow on my other arm. If that makes sense. Haha.

RE: lengths by GypsyAngel 14 years ago

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a wierd as it sounds grab a yard stick do one length of the stick then fold in the center never fails me!

RE: lengths by RainyLights 14 years ago

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i second that, but yeah, you could do it by your arm's length too
or just eyeball it :)

RE: lengths by judyes 14 years ago

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I try to make mine a little longer than usually suggested. I would rather have extra when I am done than run out before I have the bracelet the lenght I want it.


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