
was donated
Suggestion. by emm97 14 years ago

I think it would be really cool if we could just go straight to see who has favorited a pattern instead of searching everyone. Do you understand what I mean?

RE: Suggestion. by Stefan 14 years ago

I think so. Do you mean like this?

Pattern #XXX
(pattern image)
Favourited by: Stefan, emm97, example_user1, example_user2...

RE: Suggestion. by CoHa 14 years ago

I think it would be enough to show the amount of users added the pattern...

Pattern #1234
Favourited by 51 Users

(for example)

RE: Suggestion. by emm97 14 years ago

YES!!! Stefan, exactly. It would help out a lot!!

RE: Suggestion. by CoHa 14 years ago

How far would it be helpful for you? What is the meaning of a list with user-names?

RE: Suggestion. by emm97 14 years ago

whats your problem?

RE: Suggestion. by CoHa 14 years ago

You have no answer to my question?

There is the question, whether your idea makes sense or not. And I do not think that it makes sense. If you're a different opinion, explain it simply.

What's the sense of a user-list? Just to satisfy your curiosity?

If an additional function is not useful for the most people, I think it should not be added.

RE: Suggestion. by Joy 14 years ago

i always did want to no how many ppl liked my patterns instead of having to find out when i looked at someones profile.

RE: Suggestion. by Joy 14 years ago

i like emms idea and really coha..y u so snappy?? maybe some ppl like to no who has theirs patterns as their favs?

RE: Suggestion. by emm97 14 years ago

exactly joy, thanks.


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