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Help with Peruvian bracelet by twilight_love 14 years ago

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I started to work Peruvian bracelet and made it like like this:

Please if you could help me because I really don't know why is like this.

sorry for bad english

RE: Help with Peruvian bracelet by AlinaScorovick 14 years ago

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i really wish i could help you! i want to know how to make the soooo badly but i cant find a GOOD tutorial anywhere. mine always get ruined...

RE: Help with Peruvian bracelet by Loves 14 years ago

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Through all the tutorials I've seen, the first set looks horrible on every peruvian bracelet. Just continue with the tutorial you were using. I found this one to be good one :
Also, if you use youtube search under 'wave friendship bracelet' and you'll get TONS of results.

RE: Help with Peruvian bracelet by Griev 14 years ago

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To me that looks like a diamond are you attempting the diamond? And where did you get that string!!???? I really need some.

RE: Help with Peruvian bracelet by fbmagic 14 years ago

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I have been trying this bracelet too! I know how to make it I just need the right string! Well first of all Is that your bracelet or a picture of someone else's? Second of all if it is where did you get your pink and purple string at? And what kind is it? Alright Here I will try to explain it but I am not the best at explaining stuff
Step 1: It looks like you have started it right so once you tie the other string onto the thicker string put all of your thinner string to the left side of your thicker string in the order you want.
Step 2: Take you first thin string that is the farthest right and do a forwards knot on the first thick string then do the same thing to the next thick string. Do that with the rest of the thin strings until all of your thin strings are on the right side of the thick strings. Oh also while you are tying them onto the thick string Make sure you are pulling the thick string the opposite way you are the thin string cause that is what makes the wavey part.

So I hope that helped but if you have questions let me know. Also please what kind of string is the purple and pink string you have?


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