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Turning notifications off by Rissa 12 years ago

I like the notifications option. Especially for the forums it's very helpful if you want to follow up on a tip you gave some time ago. I also like to be notified when someone comments on my photos or patterns or ones I like.
But sometimes I comment on a photo or pattern, but after a while I don't want to get notifications for that any more, in most cases because these topics are commented that much that it could be called spam, in others because I am not much interested in the topic/pattern itself (maybe because it's an alpha or kumihimo which I don't do, but I answered a question posted in the comments to that pattern...)
There's no option to turn notifications off for this anywhere, at least I haven't found any. Huntress suggested to "unlike" the picture, but I've never clicked the button, so this isn't an option.
Would it be possible to add an option to unsubscribe to single topics, pictures and patterns? This might also help to decrease spam and the need for moderators to interfere at least a little bit.

I don't know how hard this is to realize, but I would really love to see it, especially as I then don't have to think twice any more before commenting something as right now I hesitate with this in fear of notification overload.

RE: Turning notifications off by gerbilsrawesome 12 years ago

Yes, I completely agree with you. I think it would be great if we could turn them off. Sometimes I comment on something just to answer a question and end up getting a million notifications. Like maybe on our notification page we could check each notfication and click a button that says "Stop getting notifications on this." That would be great. I don't know if it would be really hard to do, but I think it would be really great.
Then the moderators wouldn't have to worry about people complaining about too many notifications and deleting comments to stop the notifications. Sometimes I want to comment on something, but decide I shouldn't because of the notifications. This would get rid of that problem. Not to complain or anything, Stefan everything you do on this site is great! But I think a lot of people would like this.

RE: Turning notifications off by BraceletBonanza 12 years ago

I really do agree, you should ask Stefan if you want something changed (he created the site)!

RE: Turning notifications off by Rissa 12 years ago

I know that Stefan created this website, but this certain forum is there for bringing issues like this to attention. The advantage is that it can be discussed and argued about by members, moderators and administrators and not just between two people.

I noticed that Huntress and Carrie suggested that single comments could be removed so that people won't get notifications any more, but I think that's not the right way to do. It might be a temporary solution as this is an issue right now, but it can't be the best way to solve this.
For one this would most likely mean that positive, encouraging and well meant comments will get lost, but it might also make former discussions unreadable. Often people respond to one another in the comments, without this being spam. If every comment by one person would be removed some other ones might not make sense any more.
I like to read more than just the last few comments before deciding to comment myself, and I hope that others do the same, but this would be not much fun any more if half of the comments are out of context.

RE: Turning notifications off by gerbilsrawesome 12 years ago

Again, I completely agree! I love to look back at my things and see comments when I forget about something or want some encouragement (:D). So if the mods were deleting comments right and left we'd lose half the site! (well that's a big stretch, but still.) Also, I think some people are either afraid or embarrased to ask a mod to delete their comment or don't want to bother with it. So they are stuck with getting a bunch of unnecessary notifications. Or they type complaints in the comments before they realize a mod can delete their comments. Either way, yes, it's not a very good system.

RE: Turning notifications off by BraceletBonanza 12 years ago

Yeah, I guess your right.

RE: Turning notifications off by BraceletBonanza 12 years ago

But, if Stefan liked your idea, he would probably discuss it with other mods and change it somehow. That is just what I would do.

RE: Turning notifications off by Carrie 12 years ago

I believe Stefan has it in his to do list to modify the notifications system. I know I brought up with the other mods a way to do it like facebook, like one notification for a certain page. I know they recently implemented an "unfollow post" feature, which would also be nice to consider, like Rissa pointed out.

RE: Turning notifications off by BraceletBonanza 12 years ago

Thank you for the info!

RE: Turning notifications off by gerbilsrawesome 12 years ago

Yes, thank you Carrie! I like that idea, too. It sounds good. =)


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