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RE: Turning notifications off by Eric 12 years ago

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I'd also like to suggest another thing for getting less notifications. If I click "like" on a bracelet picture and someone else comments at this picture, I get a notification which I don't need. Well, I got used to these notifications and I don't pay any attention to them. But I'd rather not get these notifications because pretty often I have 60 notifications the next day.

RE: Turning notifications off by Joy 12 years ago

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i agree too bc it becomes a headache trying to llook for certain posts or comments that i commented on or if i asked a really important question on how to do somthing then this would become very helpful

RE: Turning notifications off by gerbilsrawesome 12 years ago

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Well I like the "like" option because if I want to get notifications on something for some reason but don't want to comment, I can just "like" it and then later to stop getting the nots I can just "unlike" it. So I like that because I can choose when I want to get notifications on something.
But then for you you could just say you don't want to follow those things and actually get notifications for them. I don't know. =/


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