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How to thread those patterns... by RainyLights 14 years ago

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Ok, so for some reason, whenever I go to make a bracelet with, say the panda pattern with all those backwards-forwards knots and whatnot, my result is just a big mess. ive noticed some user's pics look really neat, any tips?? :S

RE: How to thread those patterns... by Acid 14 years ago

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I find with those kind of knots is to take ya time and if it makes sense get the knot near the top before tightning it if that makes any sense at all?

RE: How to thread those patterns... by RainyLights 14 years ago

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oh ok, well i actually found the answer to my question right here ^^
so, now i'm free to make all those patterns ive always wanted to make and it all makes sense now! :D

RE: How to thread those patterns... by Acid 14 years ago

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If you can do yours tidy then let me know how as mine still look messy sometimes lol. Good Luck :D

RE: How to thread those patterns... by RainyLights 14 years ago

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yup, alls good :D u gotta follow the instructions at the bottom of the page. i think ill finish a bracelet with that technique and post the link a bit later :)


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