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Kumihimo by ashitx 12 years ago

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I posted a kumihimo pattern and a mod published it. It says that I'm the one who made it, but when I click the link to my username, its linked to a whole different persons profile.
When I went to see if this was happening to anyone else, I noticed that it said that a lot of the users did not exist, when in fact, they do....

RE: Kumihimo by piggyfan2 12 years ago

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i see wut u mean. when i went 2 ur kumihimo patterns and clicked on ur username and it took me 2 a different profile or said "this user does not exist". it may just b a bug specifically with kumihimos. try reporting this problem 2 1 of the mods.

RE: Kumihimo by piggyfan2 12 years ago

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wait, now i see wuts going on. the problem is that if there was a pattern K123 for example and some1 clicked on the users name then it would take them 2 the wrong link. lets say the maker of the patterns profile link is see the little number at the end? instead of taking the person 2 the correct link, it changes it so it is the kumihimo pattern number. a clearer way of explaining this is if the pattern number was K123 and the makers profile link was than in stead of taking the person 2 it will take them 2, the kumihimo number at the end. i dont no how 2 fix it (of course) but i no wut the problem is.

RE: Kumihimo by Carrie 12 years ago

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Please report it so Stefan can fix it :)

RE: Kumihimo by ashitx 12 years ago

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Okay, will do.

RE: Kumihimo by lorie 12 years ago

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There are lots of bugs like this on this site, something like this happened to me, too. Just report to the webmaster so he will fix it.



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