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Bug with the search function by erulasse 12 years ago

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I found a bug when I'm loading a user's patterns. Sometimes when I like a pattern by User A, I will look up her other patterns by clicking the link on her profile. I tend to hunt up several user's patterns that way quite a lot of times.

Well, I've found that the search will remember and show me the same results again. Ie, I'm looking up User B's patterns, and it's still showing me User A's. It only happens on normal patterns.

Has anyone else experienced this?

RE: Bug with the search function by Foz 12 years ago

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that happens to me too. but when you're on someone's profile page, copy their user name before clicking on their patterns, and you'll just have to paste it in the name box. don't ask me why this happens though ;-)

RE: Bug with the search function by erulasse 12 years ago

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Oh ok, I'll try that.... it's a bit weird though don't you think?

It sometimes still happens when I look up a third user's profile. Beyond that I usually give up.

RE: Bug with the search function by SimoneBataille 12 years ago

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I have the same problem when I search multiple user patterns. Foz's suggestion works nicely though, but I wonder if there's a way to fix the coding for the site... (and if it's a huge pain to do so).

RE: Bug with the search function by Foz 12 years ago

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I think Stefan is aware of this bug, but he's got so much on his plate that those smaller bugs just have to wait ;-)

RE: Bug with the search function by erulasse 12 years ago

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That I can understand. I guess I'll do it as you said, Foz.

RE: Bug with the search function by Stefan 12 years ago

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You're right , Foz. I am already programming frenetically 24/7 and I have hard to find space for these things. I hope it will get better after christmas.
Anyway, I've put the bug into the tracker and I'll fix it when there is time.

RE: Bug with the search function by erulasse 12 years ago

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No rush, I can understand. I just thought I'd highlight it :) Good luck with all the stuff you have planned.

By the way thanks for all you've done for this site! It's FANTASTIC!


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