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Sequence of forum threads by MoonChild 12 years ago

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I think the forum is quite confusing. Threads are sorted chronologically - by the date of the first post. This way, if someone posts in an older thread it is hidden several pages in.
IMO the forum would be much more readable if it would sort threads by the date of the LAST post, instead.

RE: Sequence of forum threads by Stefan 12 years ago

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Very good point! I haven't thought about this myself but it would be a great feature. I'll add it to the todo list.

I was also thinking about implementing some kind of function that tracks which entries that are read or not. This way one could see if there are any new messages in the forum. What do you think?

Stefan, developer

RE: Sequence of forum threads by MoonChild 12 years ago

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Yes, that would improve useability quite a bit. People expect that kind of functionality nowadays.


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