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Log In Timing Out Bug by TweedleDee 12 years ago

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I have noticed that when generating a larger alpha pattern, I get timed out, so by the time I am finished with it and ready to save, I can't and a message pops up and says "Error Code 1: There were log in errors while trying to save the pattern. Please try again." So I do, even though it's useless to do that, it never saves. I know I was logged in, because I specifically checked. This happens frequently with me (is there something wrong with the way I design patterns, maybe?) and I find it quite disappointing to lose that much work.

Does anybody else have this problem, and can it be looked into?

RE: Log In Timing Out Bug by Jeckle 12 years ago

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That happened to me once. Whenever I am making a pattern, before I hit submit, I open a new tab in my browser and go to to make sure I'm logged in. If not, I relogin on that second tab and wait a bit and it seems to carry over to the first tab. Maybe you could see if this works for you too.

RE: Log In Timing Out Bug by TweedleDee 12 years ago

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Thanks, that is a great idea, and I porbably would not have thought of it. I will try it again.

RE: Log In Timing Out Bug by Jeckle 12 years ago

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You're welcome :)

RE: Log In Timing Out Bug by TweedleDee 12 years ago

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There! It's now saved and pending! =)

RE: Log In Timing Out Bug by Jeckle 12 years ago

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Yay! Glad it worked!!

RE: Log In Timing Out Bug by Stefan 12 years ago

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Sorry for the trouble. I guess this can be avoided with some extra code. I'll add it to my todo list.

Stefan, developer


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