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Ways to Sell Bracelets? by buddgoldie13 12 years ago

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Hey I'm kind of new to this selling bracelet thing and don't know how to sell stuff or where to sell it. Whats a good free site other than Etsy to sell stuff on? Oh and thats safe and easy to use? Thanks

RE: Ways to Sell Bracelets? by anthia 12 years ago

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etsy is not free, you have to pay to use it, and a paypal, and a major credit card/debit card i believe..

RE: Ways to Sell Bracelets? by buddgoldie13 12 years ago

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ok thanks

RE: Ways to Sell Bracelets? by anthia 12 years ago

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yeah you might want to try small first, like sell to friends at school and stuff! :)

RE: Ways to Sell Bracelets? by graciela 12 years ago

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TRUST me, it's REALLY easy to sell bracelets without a website. I work on them in some classes (my excuse is that they help me stay awake). Many people compliment my work and amazed at my patience. It's about confidence. Once you've caught their interest, take out your bag of bracelets (keep your wares with you at all times), and display them secretly during class. Half-days are great too. One day, since we didn't do much at school, I made $15 and got 3 orders. Be open to orders. Keep a list of photos of stuff you can make with you at all times too. It's really that easy! Be confident and show off your talent by simply doing it all the time. You'll be surprised how much interest you get from random people. :) Hope this helps!

RE: Ways to Sell Bracelets? by K8e92 12 years ago

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You just have to be careful of people asking for stuff and not paying. it's happened to be before.

RE: Ways to Sell Bracelets? by graciela 12 years ago

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Well yes, but I make custom bracelets, and normally if somebody doesn't buy it, i will simply put it in my bag. Somebody is bound to buy it within a year or so...
The most important part is to be careful of custom name bracelets and such. That's a little more risky.

RE: Ways to Sell Bracelets? by buddgoldie13 12 years ago

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Thank you guys! I will be sure to try that!

RE: Ways to Sell Bracelets? by K8e92 12 years ago

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I HATE doing custom name bracelets! they take a long time and people aren't willing to pay what they're worth.

RE: Ways to Sell Bracelets? by graciela 12 years ago

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tru dat... i won't make a bracelet if it's ugly. haha


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