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I know this is probably covered...short threads.. by w2bzz 14 years ago

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I am new to bracelect making and have taught myself mostly from instructions here and videos on youtube, but even though I measure each string the same lenght, I always have threads that end up extremely shorter than the others...any tips on hoe to fix this issue or why it happens? It is usually the background color and I have wasted a lot of thread and time only to end up with have a bracelet...Please help!


RE: I know this is probably covered...short threads.. by CoHa 14 years ago

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The reason is that some threads are used more often as an overlapping thread than other threads.

(Not so easy to explain without a perfect English...)

Some threads are used only as holders. They can be cutted very short.

Other threads must be very long, because they overlap the holder-threads very often.

(Make this words sense?)


The black and yellow threads have to be longer than the red and green threads.

If I would knot the pattern I would cut the threads in this lengths:

black: 130 cm
yellow: 135 cm
red: 75 cm
green: 80 cm

RE: I know this is probably covered...short threads.. by w2bzz 14 years ago

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Thanks that helps, but how do I know which threads should be cut longer? I looked at your example but still do not really understand how I know which threads need to be longer...thanks again!

RE: I know this is probably covered...short threads.. by w2bzz 14 years ago

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Ok I think I figured it out the more knots being made with that color means it needs to be longer?? Thank you again.

RE: I know this is probably covered...short threads.. by CoHa 14 years ago

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Yes, you're right! :-)

RE: I know this is probably covered...short threads.. by Stellaphone 14 years ago

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Also, for alphabet patterns (see Stephan's tutorial), you will want to make the background thread about 150 in. (375 cm). Trust me--I learned the hard way.


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