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Pattern #23660 (rejected) by craftaddict 12 years ago

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I just got the message that a moderator rejected my uploaded pattern. It was one that I made over a year ago and it's been up with no problem before. It is a camoflauge pattern so I don't think it is objectionable or anything. It doesn't show up on my list of patterns I've made anymore. Just wondering what is up with this???

RE: Pattern #23660 (rejected) by craftaddict 12 years ago

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Can any of the moderators tell me what happened and why my pattern got taken off over a year after I made it? Thanks.

RE: Pattern #23660 (rejected) by craftaddict 12 years ago

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Okay, 2 more of my patterns just got rejected after being on for over a year. I'd really like to know what is going on, but no one seems to be responding to my question.

RE: Pattern #23660 (rejected) by Jeckle 12 years ago

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When I do a search, pattern 23660 is not rejected. It's up, has one comment and a couple likes, and belongs to you. It doesn't show up for you? What are the numbers of the other two patterns?

RE: Pattern #23660 (rejected) by Jeckle 12 years ago

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I think you might be referring to your patterns 37492 and 37181, am I right? We no longer accept simple name/word patterns. They use up a lot of space on the server and not many people make them. Full alphabets and logos are accepted still, but not plain names or words.

RE: Pattern #23660 (rejected) by Carrie 12 years ago

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We're also cleaning up personal type pattern when we come across them, so if the patterns you made don't have photos posted to them, we'll likely reevaluate them to see if they're reasonably going to be made.

RE: Pattern #23660 (rejected) by craftaddict 12 years ago

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Thank you for answering. The first one was reaccepted already, that's why it was there now. As for the other 2 which are name ones, I can see that as I do have the alphabet ones that people can use (although some people can't seem to figure out how to string the letters together themselves!)


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