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Adding Buttons by Cookie 14 years ago

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So there is this girl at my school who adds buttons onto her bracelts and in the bracelets she forms a hole so she can button it. It really makes the bracelet look nice and I was wondering if anyone knows how to put buttons on bracelets?

RE: Adding Buttons by funtown 14 years ago

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Why don't you just sow the on

RE: Adding Buttons by dmh 14 years ago

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you mean like those clip on buttons like on coats?

RE: Adding Buttons by Acid 14 years ago

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You could do it on the end of the bracelets rather than the middle perhaps? like a charm dangling off it?

RE: Adding Buttons by Tokio 14 years ago

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Start the bracelet off like the buckle bracelets. (You don't have to macreme knot, just loop it and knot it) Make the bracelet, then at the end, loop the string through the button holes to make an X. Then tie the strings together. I think I might have squeezed all the threads into the button holes, but I'm not sure. I'd ask the girl to see the bracelet again to see how I did it, but I don't talk to her anymore.

RE: Adding Buttons by Stellaphone 14 years ago

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You could just sew the buttons on, OR you could thread the center strand(s) like a bead.


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