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Threads Breaking... by usr470 16 years ago

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Is there anything I can do to prevent my threads from breaking?
t is really frusturating that they sometimes break while I am in the middle of trying to make a bracelet. It may be that I'm pulling too hard, but I have to in order to get the knots just right.

RE: Threads Breaking... by kooky_squeaky 16 years ago

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What type of thread do you use? It usually happens when I use craft thread instead of DMC floss.

RE: Threads Breaking... by usr470 16 years ago

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I think it is craft thread... so it may be that then. Thanks.

RE: Threads Breaking... by kooky_squeaky 16 years ago

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Your welcome. Glad I could help. XD

RE: Threads Breaking... by usr572 15 years ago

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Sometimes even DMC or Perle cotton break if you pull too hard which happens to be all the time. Especially if I'm getting frustrated with the pattern I'm making. So I always just take a break and hope. If you do break a thread I try to finish the bracelet and use it for something else, like a bookmark or something if the blemish is extremely visible.

RE: Threads Breaking... by usr572 15 years ago

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Sometimes even DMC or Perle cotton break if you pull too hard which happens to be all the time. Especially if I'm getting frustrated with the pattern I'm making. So I always just take a break and hope. If you do break a thread I try to finish the bracelet and use it for something else, like a bookmark or something if the blemish is extremely visible.

RE: Threads Breaking... by usr572 15 years ago

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bleh, sorry about the double post. >.


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