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how do you read the patterns? by gianaattack 14 years ago

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i understand the arrows & things. but i dont understand what comes 2nd, 3rd, & so forth. please help.

RE: how do you read the patterns? by suzie 14 years ago

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you look at the first row and do those then move the next row and move the outer strings out .then when you get to the next row you put them back in. I usually think of it this way : the odd rows you leave them in and on the evens you put them out. I don't know if thats what you are asking but i hope it helps you.

RE: how do you read the patterns? by Harreh 14 years ago

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Hey, I also don't understand how to read the patterns.
It never gets explained anywhere!
Only what the symbols mean gets explained, but not how to actually read the patterns.

It's a bit like trying to teach someone how to read sheet music. I've been told how to read each symbol - half note, quarter note etc, but I don't know what note they actually represent. That's all I've been told really.

I just don't see what order I need to read and perform the pattern in. Left to right? Diagonally?

Here's a bracelet I've been working on:

On the left is the order that I've actually been doing it would appear (don't get confused here, I haven't been doing this bracelet based on reading a pattern - just simple instructions from this website).

But the order in the right, is that the correct way? Honeslty, I'm totally confused here!

RE: how do you read the patterns? by moushtie 14 years ago

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With a simple bracelet like the stripe, most people would do it as you have been doing it. However, with more complicated patterns, it becomes necessary to do it as you show on the right.

Sometimes once you've tied a pattern a few times doing each row at a time, you can see another way to knot it that feels more logical to you.


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