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Keychain help by tazor44 12 years ago

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Hey. I'm making a bead loom keychain for my friend but I decided it was going to be a keychain after I started on it. The ends are just the strings right now. Is there any way I can attach it to a keychain loop without it falling off?

RE: Keychain help by realornotreal 12 years ago

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Well, if your keychain is the regular circle spiral type you can usually see anywhere, then there should still be those little rings attached to it, right? what you should do there is, try to unattach the last ring from the keychain, so you should be left with only that ring. Then, with pliers, pull it open, then poke one end of the now opened ring to either the 2nd or 3rd row of the bracelet, then push it inward. Once the center of the ring is now inside, you shold now be left with two separate ends of that ring, right? So what you do now is, before you close it for the last time, completely sealing it off, you still have the keychain to deal with. So, just slide in the last ring (the one still attached to the keychain) to the one inside the bracelet, then just pull close again those two separate ends of the ring with pliers. Now, when you're done, it should look like any ordinary keychain; the bottom part of the last ring has the bracelet hanging from it, and the top part of the last ring has around 4-5 tiny rings, then the keychain. It's a method I use all the time, and it really helps me when I don't wanna use the other method most people use. Hope it helped you like how it helped me :)

RE: Keychain help by tazor44 12 years ago

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I'm sorry. That confused me so much!

RE: Keychain help by realornotreal 12 years ago

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Oops. Sorry. :| I'll try to post a tutorial here, explaining that same thing. Hopefully that would be a little simpler :)

RE: Keychain help by realornotreal 12 years ago

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On second though, just follow this link: it has everything I could explain, and this person explained it better than I could possibly ever do ;) So hopefully, this one is a lot more useful than my explanation :D

RE: Keychain help by realornotreal 12 years ago

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Sorry for my constant separate posts, but I'm going to edit that tutorial soon. Turns out that I misunderstood the one posted there, and it's NOT the one I was trying to explain. Sorry 'bout that! I promise, my edit will be up soon! :D

RE: Keychain help by realornotreal 12 years ago

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Hey there, tazor44! :D I have the tutorial up now, so hopefully, this will help you now :D

RE: Keychain help by leahmc 12 years ago

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Have you finished the beaded part? If you have, get some spare thread and sew through the starting end of the beads a few times to make sure they do not come loose, then follow the tutorial that realornotreal posted:)

RE: Keychain help by Seb 12 years ago

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Look for a person who are expert in keychains :)


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