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Reading Patterns Clarification!!!! by 02241122 14 years ago

I'm just confused on the whole pattern thing. Do we just use forward, backward, forward-backward, and backward-forward knots? Also, do we just read straight accross when using a pattern?

Much thanks,
Jazz <3

RE: Reading Patterns Clarification!!!! by Kairi 14 years ago

What I managed to figure out (and it worked for me with a rather complicated design) is:
Yes, the only knots used are forward, backward, forward-backward, and backward forward.


Yes, read straight across. Then move down to the next line when you are done with the first one.

It makes sense when you try it. Take some scrap strings and do a simple design and you'll understand how it works after a while. ^^;

RE: Reading Patterns Clarification!!!! by AmandaWasHere 14 years ago

Yup, those are the only knots used.. and you read straight across. Every other row, you take out the outer two strands..

RE: Reading Patterns Clarification!!!! by jazzmaniandevil 14 years ago

Wait, what do you mean every other row, you take out the outer strands? like just out of the pattern? and then add then back again?


RE: Reading Patterns Clarification!!!! by jazzmaniandevil 14 years ago

Also, is there a difference between a backward-forward or a forward-backward knot and the double half hitch knots?

RE: Reading Patterns Clarification!!!! by AmandaWasHere 14 years ago

The outer two strands are not used in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, etc rows. All the even rows. As in the one all the way on the right and the one all the way on the left.

For a forward-backward knot and a backward-forward knot, you make one knot with a "4" and one with a backwards "4". With the double half hitch knots (I call them forward knots and backward knots) one is just making 2 knots with a "4", and one is making 2 knots with a backwards "4".

RE: Reading Patterns Clarification!!!! by jazzmaniandevil 14 years ago

Um you just add them in on the odd rows? Is there a reason for doing this? And does this apply to all patterns?

Hmmm...soo when you make the double half hitch knots you basically just do the same as forward and backward knots only you make two "4"'s before you pull? I am confused on like...when I do the basic forward or backward knot, I always do it twice...wouldn't this be the same as the double half hitch knots?

Also, I looked at the "Learn" tab and the images are just really confusing.

RE: Reading Patterns Clarification!!!! by jazzmaniandevil 14 years ago

Thnx for your help so far(: haha

RE: Reading Patterns Clarification!!!! by moushtie 14 years ago

Yes a double half hitch is the same as your normal forward or backward knot, that's just a more "knotty" word for it.


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