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Protecting My Fingers? by MissOwl 12 years ago

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I recently started up tying again and I noticed that my fingers were getting really sore and iritated while I was tying. Is there anyway to stop this from happening? I really don't want to make my fingers bleed... What do you do?

RE: Protecting My Fingers? by Eevee431 12 years ago

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I've never had that problem, but maybe lotion might solve you problem. Just a suggestion.

RE: Protecting My Fingers? by Shegorules 12 years ago

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try band aids

RE: Protecting My Fingers? by mlis_d 12 years ago

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put on some lotion and try wrapping something around them when you make your bracelets!

RE: Protecting My Fingers? by MissOwl 12 years ago

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Thanks! :) I'll try a few of these

RE: Protecting My Fingers? by Jeckle 12 years ago

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If I'm going through a phase where I'm knotting like crazy, I pull so hard that the strings will literally cut my fingers. I found these things called finger protectors (they're meant to be for quilting) that cover up to the first joint on your fingers and protect them. It definitely takes some getting used to, wearing them while knotting, but now they don't phase me at all.

RE: Protecting My Fingers? by AnochiTsevah 12 years ago

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I use fabric band aids around the first joint of the fingers that the strings cuts against when I knot. I saw that it wasn't the same fingers for both hands so I recommend seeing which fingers are in contact with the string then covering those.


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